
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Long-Distance Runner 'Sells' Body Fat For Charity

A BARCELONA man is 'selling' his body fat for charity.
Óscar Rando, who started his 3,000-kilometre trek across Spain two years ago, weighed 20-and-a-half stone when he set out and has now dropped down to 16st 5lbs.
He has been running and walking the full length of Spain from his home in El Prat de Llobregat and is being sponsored 2.50 euros for each gram he loses.
So far he has raised 31,500 euros, and hopes to reach 75,000 euros by the end of the year.
The end of his latest stretch will take place tomorrow, between Martorell and El Prat, and will take from 10.00hrs to 18.00hrs.
In September, he will start the next leg of the hike between Matagalls and Montserrat.
Óscar intends to write a book about his experiences, which will create a massive fund injection for the El Prat-based charity Gats, which helps local disadvantaged people integrate in society, find work and fend for themselves.

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