
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Christian Militants In Kaduna Threatens Fulani Herdsmen: Give 7 Days Evacuation Notice

A militant Christian sect that first emerged last year in Christian-dominated Southern Kaduna again, today threatened to chase out Fulani herdsmen if they do not leave the area in the next seven days.
 The group, known as AKHWAT AKWOP, said in an email to SaharaReporters through their spokesman, Bukarma Leguma.  Read the full statement Below:
 Greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
AKHWAT AKWOP has watched with disgust the unrelenting murders and killing of our peaceful, innocent, and hardworking people by wandering bands of Fulani terrorist gunmen operating in southern Kaduna.
Between January and June  2012, the Fulani terrorist have murdered over 100 innocent southern Kaduna people, the  recent one  at zonkwa claimed a father and son leaving others injured .
AKHWAT AKWOP is also aware that the ultimate aim of the Fulani terrorist is to create a situation of insecurity in southern Kaduna whereby our people will not be able to utilize this farming season thereby leading   to hunger, deprivation and famine in the land
Rising from our national executive committee and field   commander’s emergency meeting AKHWAT AKWOP resolves as follows:
1.     For so long we have restrained ourselves from reprisal attacks against these Fulani dogs from hell. We can and will no longer do so
2.     Today 3/6/12 AKHWAT AKWOP gives all Fulani within southern Kaduna 7 days to leave. After these 7 days of grace which expires on 10/6/12 AKHWAT AKWOP   declares open season on any Fulani found within our lands.
3.     AKHWAT AKWOP assures all our peace loving and hardworking people of their safety in their homes, villages, highways and on their farms.
4.     AKHWAT AKWOP reminds all that eternal vigilance in Christ Jesus is the price we pay for our freedom.
                                 THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                    REMAIN BLESSED
                                                                                        AKHWAT AKWOP

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