A young mother has revealed her bizarre addiction to drinking water - downing up to 25 litres per day.
Sasha Kennedy, 26, has almost six gallons during a 24-hour period, even taking large bottles around with her wherever she goes.
She goes to the toilet up to 40 times every day and claims she has even left jobs over the lack of quality water.
The mother-of-two - who says she has no health problems - even wakes up several times a night to sip water and go to the toilet.Sasha said: 'If I feel my mouth start to get dry I have to get my next fix of water - it’s all I can focus on.
'People never really think anyone can drink that much until they get to know me, then they just cannot believe their eyes.
'I feel thirsty pretty much all the time and always have to be sipping water - it’s an addictive habit.
Glass half full: The young mother-of-two drinks 25 litres of water a day, the equivalent of 100 glasses
'The most sleep I’ve ever had is about one hour and 15 minutes, because I am getting up to drink or nip to the loo.'
Sasha, of Southend-on-Sea, Essex, who is a full-time mother to children Reggie, two, and Fraser, one, developed her habit when she was just two.
She began nagging her parents for more water, quickly prompting them to take her to the doctors - who confirmed there was nothing wrong with her.
Eventually, she began to get up each night and refill the large container - doubling her nightly intake.
The schoolgirl always took a bottle of water to class with her and would stay glued next to the water fountain at break time while the other kids went out to play.
By the age of 13 she was already drinking up to 15 litres a day.
Sasha said: 'By that stage my parents had got rid of the jug by my bed at night and replaced it with a five-litre plastic container.
'I would even sometimes refill that during the night. I began smoking as a teenager as well and that made things worse - my mouth felt dryer.
'When I was 16 and left school I started work in a shoe shop stockroom and everyone began to notice how much I drank.
'They ended up moving the water cooler next to my desk. People started to get sick of changing the water.'
Sasha then left her next job, at a carpet firm in Dartford, Kent, as the quality of their tap water was not good enough.
By her early 20s she was downing 20 litres a day and her addiction peaked when she began working from home for a telecoms company in 2007.
Single mum Sasha found that by staying at home she could drink more water - and claims she now is drinking between 18 and 25 litres a day while she stays at home to look after her children.
She said: 'I found I was drinking more because I was not self-conscious about going up and getting water in front of colleagues.
'I was drinking about 25 litres a day and my work were so concerned that they told me to go to hospital and get checked out.
'But they could not find anything wrong. I only start feeling ill if I don’t drink - my mouth gets really dry.
'Going on holiday is a nightmare, too. If I go somewhere hot like Spain I have to take bottles of water around with me - it can be quite expensive.
'I’ve had boyfriends who get disturbed during the night when I get up to drink and go to the loo - but it has become normal for me now.'
Experts said Sasha's water addiction was rare - and that most adults only drink 200ml per day.
Dr Emma Derbyshire, a nutrition consultant, said: 'Over-hydrating with any fluid is possible and in extreme cases it can be dangerous, but this is very rare.
'To put it into context, the average Briton drinks just 200ml of water a day - less than one glass out of the recommended six to eight glasses of fluid a day.'
Kinvara Carey, general manager of the Natural Hydration Council, said most women should only be drinking 1.6-litres per day.
She said: 'The European Food Safety Authority recommend men should be drinking two litres of water from fluids a day and women 1.6 litres of water from fluids.
'This is supported by the Department of Health who recommend that we should drink 6-8 glasses of fluid a day.
'Drinking water is one of the healthiest ways to hydrate as it contains no sugar or calories.
'The importance of hydration should not be underestimated. The average Briton drinks just 200ml of water a day - less than one glass out of the six to eight glasses.'
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