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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Things You Need To Know About Asthma!

Asthma is a disorder of the respiratory system (distinct from lung disorder) There are over 130 million sufferers worldwide, occurring 8-10 times in industrialised than in developing nations.

Fifty percent case occur more amongst children age 10 yrs and below some develop before age 5, more than half develop before 3. Asthma affects all races, but more common amongst blacks and Hispanics.

CAUSES: There is no specific cause of asthma as such, research has however lent great creadence to the following:

Heredity- inherited from parents

Exposure to tobacco (passive or active) animal dangling (hairs) chemical sure as plastic, rubber texiles, electronics, paint, printing metal working, baking, gardening, cleaning products, allergens, dry/cold weather stress, exercise or physical exertions.

About 25 per cent of children with asthma here atleast one parents who smokes. Goaded living conditions and exposure to mice and cockroach waste matters are also contributing factors.

Levels of Asthma:

Mild- Occurs no more than trice a week during the day, and no more than trice monthly for night attack. Attacks are usually brief .

Moderate- Attack are almost daily.

Severe- Attack are present most of the day's restricting activity and often necessitating hospitalisation.

Signs of Symptoms

Wheezing-Inflammation causes the airway to be filled with mucus, swells and becomes narrow (constricted) thereby causing whistling or hissing sound during breathing, especially when exhaling.

Dysponea- Difficult breathing, sometimes short or even stopping momentarily. Tightening and severe pain in the chest, coughing, Difficult in speech and extreme fatigue

Asthma occurs more than twice amongst boys than girls. Boys are more likely to experience decrease in symptom as they reach adolescence. In adults, on set is twice as common amongst women than men.

Management – The most common mode of treatment include application of broncodilates and anti- inflammatories. These largely palliate the symptoms, as research into conventional therapy so far have revealed no known cure for asthma. Without proper treatment, suffers will have more frequent and more severe attack, and may even die in the process.

Early diagnosis in vital in this regard. The hope however points to effective and long-lasting inexpensive and non-invasive Natural therapy, devoid of known unpleasant side-effect from conventional regiment.

Email Dr. Solomon Abutoh. 08034499192

Source: Vanguard

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